Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Painful deepful thoughts

Somebody comes to me and gives me memories and then takes the train off and leaves, what is left behind are just memories and doubts. Thoughts that can never be answered. Regrets that can never be atoned. What to do if you have words to say? No need to say anymore. Swallow it into your stomach. Say it to your heart. Say sorry to your heart. Keep remembering what happened and was given to you. What the objective of the blessing was. What do you gain from it at the end? Do you go forward with it? Yes, for how long can you take it? For how long can you remember every single little thing that happened that you felt was the blessing you experienced in your life... Even though you may not be able to forget, but where do all the thankful words of gratitude and regrets go to.... Can he or she ever hear it again? What do you call this painful thought and deepfelt memories....

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