Thursday, April 23, 2009

one more month

one more month before i start work...
one more month before my maternity leave ends...
one more month before i enter 30!!!!
Gosh.... Kim is 30 years old.... eeeeeeeeeee!!!
like very old leh....!!!
Well... my heart stays in 25 forever hahaha!!

What do i expect after i turn 30?
After i had finally enshrined my own gohonzon, i feel a strong sense of satisfaction, protection and urge to strive further, in my faith and daily life. I guess after i m 30, it's time i really get down to think farther, plan further and save more. Yes, save more for a better tomorrow and of course, not forgetting to pamper myself every season once a while!

Guess it's really time i do up my hair, start growing them back, i want my length back!!! and... get a good eyecheck and have a pair of new specs made soon!!
Probably i should wait to have a good meal with my dear again, and let's see... what should i ask for for my birthday present this time neh??? *-)... hmmmm....

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