Thursday, April 8, 2010

The hidden Love Trap

Why do we fall into the Love trap and be the man's slave for life?
Too late to realise this line.
It's not that we are not willing to fall into the trap.
It's how we will be appreciated even if we have to become the slave for life.
Do we deserve being treated like a fool?
When we talk to them during times of relationship, they treat it as sweet talk, sweetie's talking etc... But after we get married, when we talk, it is direct treatment as "nag". We can't even talk anymore. We can't change them anymore. No advice allowed. No requests allowed. We just do our own businesses. We just do what we are supposed to. Whatever they do, we clear the backend junk DISCREETLY. cannot say NO. cannot complain. cannot say WRONG. cannot ask for improvement. Whatever they NOT do, we will have to do it willingly and quietly. Whatever they do correctly, or whatever they've helped, we MUST say thank you. We must bear all. What are we?

Yes, slaves. Slaves when they choose not to be bothered. Wife when they present you to others. Mother when they need their kids to call upon. Other than that, we are just like a bomb which is forced to delay explosion as long as we can. They can slam, they can scold, they can throw, they can shout, they can beat. But we woman choose to keep. Because we have to protect the young ones around. We have to continue to uphold the greatness of woman- as a mother. We have to cover the unpleasantness of the situation/scenario so that the kids do not get confused and lost. We have to continue to let the lives of the children keep going, positively.

Yes, we shall keep silent. We shall bear all the foolish acts man can be insensible of doing. We shall be the one to give in and take all the sacrifices, for the children. We shall grow old, turn ugly, and give all we can to the goodness of our children. We shall be the backup and firm ground for the children to look upon to, to lean on, and to depend on.... until they are independent enough and be wise on their own. We live on with peers' support, encouraged by friends we treasure, buddies we lean on, elders we trust and share. Even at times we feel like we are at the peak, life will still go on, because they are there. Until many years will go by... we shall then be old and ugly, but proud and free. Looking into the mirror, it's wrinkles and freckles. Out of the house, it's looking for wild plans.

Is this why woman is the great man?
Am i the great man?
Are u the great man?

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